Expert Profile

Dr Kate Liley
National Research Manager, Goodstart Early Learning
Dr Kate Liley is Goodstart Early Learning’s National Research Manager with responsibility for research leadership across Goodstart’s growing portfolio of commissioned and collaborative research and evaluation.
This role privileges Kate in working closely with academics and practitioners to access, develop and strengthen the evidence base for early childhood policy, high quality practice and achieving positive child and family outcomes.
With a background in childhood sociology and Community Services, Kate is translating the best available data and information to help educators deliver the best teaching and learning for children’s success; and, sharing tools, tips and knowledge with families to help ensure their children thrive.
Kate is particularly interested in the powerful impact the home learning environment has for children’s life outcomes, especially when combined with children’s access to a high-quality early learning program.
As the parent of a child who overcame a severe phonological disorder, Kate understands the beneficial outcomes of and actively engaged home learning environment when combined with great support and advice from educators and speech therapists.
‘As their first teachers for life, it’s our job as parents and educators to make sure children have as many opportunities to talk, read and play - everyday.’
Kate is currently working on supporting educators understanding of the impact of the learning environment.