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Mother and father working with children on lounge

The cost of motherhood in Australia

Sometimes, it’s called the motherhood penalty. Other times, it’s called the cost of motherhood. It summarises the gender pay gap when mothers return to work, the bias in recruitment and promotions and discrimination they face in everyday work life.

Father and two toddlers washing up the dishes

Aussie fathers choosing parental leave

The shape of Australian families continues to change and so too does the role of Aussie fathers. According to the first Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s Gender Equality Scorecard, fathers’ uptake of parental leave has doubled in the last 12 months.

Businesswoman with pregnant female colleague

Paid Parental Leave scheme turns 10

It’s been ten years since Australia first introduced its federally funded Paid Parental Leave scheme offering a payment for up to 18 weeks while you care for your baby. So what has changed in a decade and how do we compare to international standards?

Tired woman leaning on hands

Why parents need to practice self care

According to research published in Clinical Psychological Science, parental burnout can have a huge impact on the lives of both parent and child. However, results suggest there are vital lessons about parental wellbeing and the value of seeking support.

Family day at home

Families struggle with work life balance

Tensions are high for parents juggling work and care. The National Working Families Report shows almost two thirds of working parents surveyed were struggling to care for their physical and mental health due to tension between work and parenthood.

Working mother balancing baby

Understanding Australian life patterns

New data confirms that the challenges for parents are real - particularly mothers. Many working parents are struggling with the daily juggle of maintaining work and home and it is taking a toll on their physical and mental health and relationships.

Mother working from home

When part-time work has full-time hours

Many mothers opting for part-time roles to accommodate the responsibility of looking after their children, are ending up working well beyond their paid hours in order to meet expectations. So when it comes to the unpaid hours, who is the driving force?

Father with baby working at home

Managing family and work life balance

Children are now much more likely to grow up in working households, however stressed parents report feeling pulled in two directions as either devoted employees or perfect parents. Many are struggling in a world they feel requires them to be both.