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Goodstart Early Learning Centre educators with child

Parent connections with early learning

We all know the importance of strong, positive relationships between families and educators, but the ability to stay connected has been challenged during COVID-19. It’s a challenge that early learning centres across Australia have had to overcome.

Dad helping tie son's shoes

Starting school: How can parents help?

As one of life’s big transitions, starting school can be an exciting and sometimes challenging time. How can you support your child to develop the skills they will need to start school and ensure they are socially and emotionally ready for this change.

Preschool children

Transitioning in and out of childcare

Time away from early learning can happen for many reasons. Perhaps a long family holiday, or a family illness. So what happens if, when your child is settled and enjoying the interactions with educators and friends, suddenly you need to take a break?

Children at an early learning centre clapping to a song

Helping children learn to manage change

We all know that change can be difficult. This is true for adults and children. Change is an inevitable part of life. Early transitions provide opportunities to develop the skills and dispositions we need to live and do well in a changing world.

Children playing in preschool together

Building an early learning partnership

It’s no secret that central to quality early learning and care are the educators and their specialist knowledge, skills and capacity to nurture positive relationships. However, there is a lot that parents can do to strengthen this relationship.

Elderly man playing with small children

The future of intergenerational care

Researchers from Griffith University are exploring how to get older people (including aged care residents) and young children to interact more broadly while in care. The results may hold implications for the future care of both children and the elderly.

Male kindergarten teacher

Why there's a shortage of male educators

A Macquarie University study has found male educator numbers are declining, estimating primary school teachers will disappear entirely from government schools by 2054 and be ‘extinct’ in Australia by 2067 if the decline continues at the current rate.

Grandmother with grandchildren at the beach

No slowing down for grandparent carers

Grandparent carers are helping families meet the obligations of work and family commitments. They are the unsung heroes, filling a void in the busy lives of parents and in some more extreme cases raising grandchildren by taking over parenting duties.