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Managing food allergies in children: Tips for parents and caregivers

Toddler eating from a bowl

How to build your child a balanced diet

It can be overwhelming to ensure your child manages to get all the nutrients they need. Nutritionist Nicola Inger Scruby says anyone with a toddler knows that sticking to guidelines can be tricky but offers her top tips for navigating fussy eating.

Children eating, tasting pizza in kitchen

The complex problem of childhood obesity

There’s more to addressing childhood obesity than taking away sweets and having children do laps of the oval. A report highlights the growing problem of childhood obesity in Australia, where one in four children and adolescents are overweight or obese.

Mother breastfeeding a child

Baby apps: helping or hindering mums?

Replacing the safety pin which reminded new mothers which side to next breastfeed on, apps designed to track everything an infant does, including breastfeeding, are widely available. But while they can reassure new mothers they may also overwhelm them.

Dad with daughter in the kitchen

How to discuss nutrition with under 5s

Young children need foods that enable their bodies to grow and thrive. If we look at the Australian Dietary Guidelines it is clear that children need food from the five food groups and to limit the intake of food high in saturated fat, sugar and salt.

Boy refusing food at meal time

Fussiness and managing toddler mealtimes

Mealtimes with toddlers can be challenging. These years are a key time in the development of lifelong healthy eating habits and a child’s sense of autonomy. Encouraging them to choose healthy foods can make all the difference to their future lives.

Father feeding an infant

Starting on solids: How and when?

Starting a baby on solids? How do you know if your baby is ready for first foods? From around six months, each baby needs additional nutrients. What your baby learns during this stage can have an impact on their future eating behaviours and preferences.

Mother and children picking vegetables

Predicting a child's weight or obesity

Until recently, parents with concerns their child is overweight haven’t had access to any easy answers. A new study by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute is helping experts reliably determine if a child will regain a healthy weight over time.