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Benefits of early learning


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Father hugs daughter as she starts school

The key to a child’s success at school

The parent-teacher relationship is built on a culture of trust and collaboration. Your child’s success in school might be determined by the quality of the relationship between you and their teacher and that journey starts even before their first day.

Child watching television

Are there good TV shows for children?

Screen time is part of life for most families. But how much is too much and is there such a thing as quality television? Television can be part of a healthy lifestyle and gives you the chance to model a healthy and balanced approach to screen use.

Kindergarten children laughing

Changing early learning for under 5s

After nearly 12 years, the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) will be reviewed, using contemporary research and practice and new understanding of brain development, to change the way our under-fives are taught in Australian early education centres.

Little boy playing with an abacus

Quality programs for birth to threes

Many parents are anxious about sending very young children to a long-day-care centre. Professor of Early Childhood Sheila Degotardi answers the questions: Should parents be worried? What does research tell us about the impact on very young children?

A mother and son on their way out for his first day at school

2021: Transitioning children to school

COVID-19 has significantly disrupted 2020 and orientation sessions at schools may look a little different. As they continue the learning this guide for families transitioning to school in 2021 looks at supporting children with their next learning steps.

Playful preschoolers having fun making faces

The benefits of high-quality preschool

Research shows that children who’ve participated in preschool are more independent and better able to concentrate and cooperate. However, almost a quarter of Australian children entering school do not have the foundational skills they need for school and life.

Boy building with wooden blocks

Giving children the best start in life

Research shows one in five Australian children are starting school developmentally vulnerable. The Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth is leading a project to ensure every child starts school ready to learn, engage and face challenges.

Cheerful children having fun doing finger painting

Tips for building a child's imagination

Young children tend to be curious, have great imagination and enormous creative capacity. QUT Associate Professor Dr Susan Irvine says these are valuable qualities that support learning throughout life, and should be nurtured from an early age.

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