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Parenting techniques


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Teaching children how to focus attention

Experts are calling for a renewed focus on the ability to concentrate and stay focused, particularly for children.

Mother is hugging her daughter

ADHD: Parenting with Attention Deficit Disorder

Parents with ADHD may find essential parenting skills like organisation, planning and time management challenging. Dr Tamara May is a psychologist and academic with Monash University, who specialises in adults with ADHD and autism.

Teaching your preschooler about giving

Involving children in the act of giving at a young age allows traits like social awareness, empathy and kindness to be ingrained, according to the CEO of Melbourne based charity Kids in Philanthropy, Sarah Wade.

Family meeting with a counselor

Why seek parenting advice and support

In any other job, people are trained. Sometimes for years. However, with parenting, there is a real sense that parents are supposed to naturally know how to parent. Dr Becky Kennedy says parents shouldn't hold back from seeking guidance and support.

Mother and child outside

What is gentle parenting and how to do it

In the past couple of years, the term 'gentle parenting' has become a hot topic on social media platforms. Parents who parent gently provide their children with as many choices as they possibly can and help guide children to see the correct pathway.

Mother speaking seriously to her son

Why saying 'no' to your child is okay

Whether it’s refusing a treat or saying no to delaying bedtime, speaker, author and academic Dr Michael Nagel explores the importance of saying ‘no’ to children and why it may even be beneficial to healthy emotional development and long term success.

3 year old boy smiling

Parenting trends: What is a 'Yes Day'?

Handing control over to your children for an entire day might seem a strange choice. Made popular by Yes Day, a 2021 Netflix movie, a Yes Day (or even a Yes Hour for younger children) is a good way to help children test their limits and capabilities.

Father and son fishing with fishing net in river

How to teach your child patience

None of us are born with patience, instead children learn how to self-regulate by the structures and support parents provide. Professor of Clinical Psychology David Hawes discusses what to expect from children and why, and how to teach patience.

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