Expert Profile

Professor Sheila Degotardi
Sheila Degotardi is a Professor of early childhood education, at the Macquarie School of Education, Macquarie University, where she teaches and researches in the area of infant-toddler pedagogy and curriculum. Sheila specialises in how relationships and interpersonal interactions shape very young children's learning and development. She has published over 50 academic articles, chapters and books on this topic and her work is informing early childhood education practice and policy in Australia and overseas. Her recent work examines the quality of the language interactions experienced by infants and toddlers in early childhood settings. With a commitment to supporting those working with very young children, Sheila is collaborating with Goodstart Early Learning to develop professional resources for infant-toddler educators.
Articles by Professor Sheila Degotardi

Early Learning
Supporting toddlers’ pretend play
While it is easy to overlook the importance of make believe play, the ability to pretend is a cornerstone of children’s cognitive development. Professor of Early Childhood Sheila Degotardi looks at why it is important and how we can encourage it.
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Early Learning
Let’s chat! Conversations with infants
While babies are born with an innate ability to tune into language, their language development is shaped by the kinds of interactions they experience from birth. Professor of Early Childhood Sheila Degotardi looks at the importance of conversation.
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Early Learning
Quality programs for birth to threes
Many parents are anxious about sending very young children to a long-day-care centre. Professor of Early Childhood Sheila Degotardi answers the questions: Should parents be worried? What does research tell us about the impact on very young children?
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