Expert Profile

Nicole Bentley
Nutrition Services Manager – Nutrition Australia Qld
As the Nutrition Services Manager, Nicole is responsible for the management of the Nutrition Services offered at Nutrition Australia Qld (NAQ). Nicole has worked as an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and Nutritionist for over 15 years and has been with NAQ for over 12 years. For most of her time with NAQ, Nicole has managed the NAQ early years program - Food Foundations. Nicole has a long history of providing professional development and training for staff working in the early years industry as well as working with families to support them to provide healthy food for their children through workshops, articles and e-newsletters. Nicole has managed many state-wide and national projects focused on improving the nutrition and health of children.
Being a mother to two small boys, Nicole is passionate about early childhood nutrition and enjoys living a healthy and active lifestyle and spending time with her sons. Nicole loves getting people excited about healthy eating and making this easily incorporated into their lives.
Questions answered by Nicole Bentley
Nausea and pregnancy: What to eat?
If you are pregnant and you don't like food, what is the best food to eat?
Picky eating with twins
I have 2.5 yr old twins that are very picky eaters. We just found out they have a gluten allergy. Any food ideas? I can't get them to eat much more than apples, GF cookies or tortilla chips ...occasionally turkey hot dogs. :/
Articles by Nicole Bentley

Child Development
How to discuss nutrition with under 5s
Young children need foods that enable their bodies to grow and thrive. If we look at the Australian Dietary Guidelines it is clear that children need food from the five food groups and to limit the intake of food high in saturated fat, sugar and salt.
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Child Development
Fussiness and managing toddler mealtimes
Mealtimes with toddlers can be challenging. These years are a key time in the development of lifelong healthy eating habits and a child’s sense of autonomy. Encouraging them to choose healthy foods can make all the difference to their future lives.
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Child Development
Starting on solids: How and when?
Starting a baby on solids? How do you know if your baby is ready for first foods? From around six months, each baby needs additional nutrients. What your baby learns during this stage can have an impact on their future eating behaviours and preferences.
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