Expert Profile

Dr Richard Fletcher
Richard Fletcher is Associate Professor, Brain and Mental Health Priority Research Centre, Faculty of Health and Medicine, The University of Newcastle.
Richard Fletcher is Associate Professor, Family Action Centre, Brain and Mental Health Priority Research Centre, Faculty of Health and Medicine, The University of Newcastle, NSW. He has been conducting research with fathers and families for over 20 years and has designed and delivered courses and seminars on Health Research, boys’ development and father involvement to teachers, nurses, occupational therapists, and medical students.
He has designed and delivered postgraduate courses at the NSW Institute of Psychiatry (Unit on fathers) and online: Father Infant Attachment and Co-parenting: theory and Intervention; and, Working With fathers in Vulnerable Families.
He is the originator of the SMS4dads text-messaging program that delivers brief texts to fathers from when their partner is 16 weeks gestation until their infant reaches 48 weeks of age. He is currently co-convenor, Australian Fatherhood Research Network. His book The Dad Factor: How the Father-Baby Bond Helps a Child for Life has been translated into 5 languages.
Articles by Dr Richard Fletcher

Child Development
Baby-bonding: Secure attachment for dads
When the relationship between a father and baby gives a ‘secure base’ to explore the world, the child forms a secure bond. Associate Professor Richard Fletcher, originator of the SMS4dads program, explores attachment and quality bonding for fathers.
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A being-at-home all day guide for dad
Right now, many dads are staying at home. Some are working from home, some are laid off or stood down, some are taking enforced leave. Among these dads, those with young children may struggle to adjust to new routines and balance between work and home.
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Child Development
‘High quality’ rough and tumble play
If you watch a litter of kittens pouncing, chasing and batting you will notice that in spite of occasional yelps it is clearly playful. Children chase and wrestle too. Associate Professor Richard Fletcher looks at the value of rough and tumble play.
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Support for new and soon-to-be dads
Associate Professor Richard Fletcher is originator of the SMS4dads program and in this open letter addresses the impact of stress on new or soon-to-be dads and their partners in this challenging time with Covid-19. Read his helpful tips for fathers.
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