Expert Profile
Dr Susan Moloney
Director of Paediatrics Gold Coast University Hospital
Questions answered by Dr Susan Moloney
Sleeping bag to bed sheets
My 2.3 year old sleeps in a sleeping bag. I’m wondering what age would be appropriate to start using bed sheets instead and if there is any robust research discussing disadvantages of keeping him in a sleeping bag for the time being. Thanks!
Is it ok for my baby to sleep in his pram?
Is it ok for my baby to sleep in his pram (not the bassinet) as he wakes as soon as I try and move him to his cot.
Articles by Dr Susan Moloney
Child Development
Night terrors and child sleep issues
Many children and adults will experience nightmares and you have probably comforted your child during a nightmare. However, night terrors are different to nightmares. They are dramatic, happen suddenly and often predictably, but are not remembered.
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Child Development
Top toilet training tips: When and how?
Every parent has a story about toilet training, knows someone who did it earlier than your child or has a strong opinion about when it should be done. However, what you do is dependent on your child. Dr Susan Moloney provides her advice for parents.
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Child Development
Top 10 Essential Parenting Questions
What is tongue tie and should it be treated? What is a normal baby poo? Help - my child has worms! Gold Coast University Hospital Director of Paediatrics Professor Susan Moloney answers the top 10 questions parents pose about children under five.
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