Expert Profile

Fran Chavasse
Senior Nurse educator at Tresillian Family Care Centres
Questions answered by Fran Chavasse
Premmie sleep issues
Hi, I have a premmie bub who is 8 months old, corrected age only 6 months. She has never really slept long stretches during her day sleeps, usually only about 45mins. But lately her day sleeps have gone from 45mins to just only 20/30 min max. And I don't know why as I haven't changed her routine or anything. Please help. It's driving me crazy.
Articles by Fran Chavasse

Child Development
Baby won't sleep? Here's why babies wake
One of the biggest concerns for parents is whether your baby will sleep. It can cause some apprehension, especially if you’re a single parent, or managing most of your baby’s care. Registered nurse, midwife and author Fran Chavasse offers her advice.
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Child Development
Twins: Safe sleep, settling and routines
Welcoming twins into your life is exciting. No-one can prepare you for the reality that descends once you get your twins home and begin to parent them. One of the major challenges is coordinating your twins' feeding, socialising and sleeping routines.
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Child Development
Baby sleep associations and self-soothing
Registered nurse, midwife and author Fran Chavasse says too many people mistakenly believe that children can learn to sleep at any age. In this three-part series, Fran offers her advice on dealing with baby sleep associations and self settling.
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