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Child Development Professional Profile

Expert Profile

Marie Stuart

Marie Stuart

State Social Inclusion Coordinator QLD for Goodstart Early Learning

Marie Stuart did post school study in Brazil, and returned to do a dual degree at Macquarie University in early childhood teaching and psychology. She returned to university to study further in early childhood and family therapy. Working in the area of early childhood intervention since 1983, she started post...

Questions answered by Marie Stuart

Sensory issues

My 5-year-old has sensory issues - socks and shoes, can't get him to wear them. He has already missed 2 days of school. Don't know what to do.

Sleep issues and parental exhaustion

I read the article on sleep deprivation. I have a toddler and new baby, so can’t nap during the day. What strategies do you recommend for people like me? My eldest (2.5) stopped napping around 18months and has recently started being very wakeful at night (awake 2:30am until 4 or 5am) so I’m bouncing between the two kids all night as the toddler won’t accept my husband (she just escalates) and baby won’t take a bottle. We have no family nearby and my husband is often away for work too - I’m exhausted.

When should they read and write?

I have twin 4 year old twins. And my sister keeps asking them why haven’t the learned to read and write yet. Her kids did at that age. I’m 54 I went through invitro to have them I have older children in their 30’s also so it’s not my first time and her kids are grown. I don’t think they’re ready I’ve tried several times with it and they don’t seem interested but when they do it’s on their time not ours. I told her to just mind her business and thanks for any advice. But they’ll get there soon.

Fear of the dark

My four year old is scared of the dark and needs us to stay with him while he goes to sleep and then comes into our room (and bed) when he wakes at night. It is legitimate fear and need for comfort but on the down side noone is getting any sleep! What should we do?