Expert Profile

Sharon McKinlay
Early Learning Consultant, Goodstart Early Learning
Sharon McKinlay is a researcher, teacher, mother and grandmother. She has worked across a range of early childhood education and care settings over the last fifteen years, as a teacher, leader and mentor and the majority of her teaching has been in rural and regional communities in Queensland.
Her current role as an early learning consultant with Goodstart Early Learning enables her to work with a team of professionals committed to strengthening quality in early childhood education and care. She is Bachelor qualified, and Queensland registered early childhood teacher who holds a Master of Education Research. She has a research interest in early childhood workforce matters.
Her Master of Education (Research) study: Building a sustainable workforce in early childhood education and care: What keeps Australian early childhood teachers working in long day care? aims to strengthen the understanding of the factors impacting the retention of early childhood teachers in long day care, drawing on the perspective of early childhood teachers who are currently choosing to work in long day care.
Sharon was awarded a post-graduate scholarship to work on the Australian Research Council Linkage Project identifying effective strategies to grow and sustain a professional early years workforce study (Lead CI Professor Karen Thorpe). She has commenced a PhD by Publication which is situated within the ARC linkage project. Sharon is also an active member of the Early Childhood Teachers Association (ECTA) committee and their Journal, Educating Young Children editorial panel.
Questions answered by Sharon McKinlay
Help! My child is biting other children
I’m so embarrassed but my child care provider called me in to say my two-year-old has been biting other children. I hate to think what the other parents must be thinking. What do I do?
How to get a toddler to stay in bed
Any ideas how to get a toddler to stay in bed? We transferred her from cot to bed about 3 months ago and have gone from a 7.30 bed time to now 10pm bedtime. She just keeps getting up. It sometimes takes hours to get her down.
2.5-yr-old refusing to go to bed
Over the past week my 2.5 year old is now refusing to go and stay in bed, completely wide awake until 9pm (usual bedtime is 7.30 with his brother). He still has a nap at daycare (from 1.5 to 2.5 hours). I’m wondering if there’s some kind of developmental leap or something around this age as he genuinely is wide awake and no matter what we do he’s just not tired? We follow the same routine dinner, bath, quiet time, book and bed but it’s gone pear shaped!
When to start teaching maths
I don’t want to sound like some pushy mum, but at what age should I be starting maths activities with my child?