Toddler sleep issues
Toddler sleep issues
Hi, My 4th child is 16 months old and every night he wakes on average 10 times a night. It can be every 45mins. He sleeps very well during the day for approx 3 hours 10-1. He self settles both at nap time and night time sleep. He is still having a bottle at around midnight just to try and get a longer sleep in the early hours for me. We have always had a good night routine but this sleep pattern has now been going on over 12 months and I am tired of not getting a good block of sleep. Help?
I would hazard to say that the fundamental problem is the lengthy day time nap... you may wish to try shortening that time substantively and see if that helps. Remember as children get older they need less time to nap during the day. Importantly, every child is different so sleep times also need to be adjusted... you may also wish to put your child down for the night a bit later. Try adjusting these times and see if things improve.

Dr Michael Nagel
Associate Professor, School of Education, University of the Sunshine Coast
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