Trouble self settling
Trouble self settling
My 19 month old is waking through the night and demanding Mum to go back to sleep. I always patted her in the cot and shhhh and it worked. It is not working. She is expecting it. If I don't she will scream standing up in her cot. Tresillian gave some advice about not touching her and having dad do it, just talking positivity and walking in and out every couple of minutes. Obviously I can not do that. Was a great baby often self settled until she started teething. She has a dummy. We are expecting a second child any day.
Often when a new baby is arriving, it can be very normal for siblings to become unsettled. At this young age they are aware something is about to change, but can not make sense of the concept of a new brother or sister. The advice given to you by Tresllian is very aligned with what we would recomend. Reassurance is the key to this approach. If you and your partner are consistent in the routine of settling your little one, she will soon get back to having a better sleep pattern. There are some routines that might also help before bed time, like a warm bath followed by a baby massage and a story. Seek advice from your GP for accepted teething gels, this might help with any pain associated with teething.

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